Monday, July 18, 2011

Welcome to my world

I've been thinking of posting a blog for some time, but never got around to it. So, this is a journey of exploration for all of us. Some of you know me from other places or other times. For those who don't, I'm nearly 67, born in San Francisco, raised there, in New Orleans and New York's Borough of Queens. I've lived a lot of places, with most of my time, split by those sojourns in NOLA and NYC, in the San Francisco Bay Area. Almost two years ago, my wife, Ana, and I decided to move to New Mexico. I'll share the reason at some point.

I've done a lot of different things, but the longest time was as a police officer for the Department of Health in San Francisco. The City and I have a difference of opinion on my being retired, but that's what I consider myself and this is my blog. {;-) I'm an Army veteran from the Vietnam period, with time spent in SE Asia and Europe as well as stateside, most of that in the DC Metro area.

I read a lot, watch more TV than is probably good for anyone and love movies, music and museums. I can take or leave long walks on the beach, although I've lived most of my life until now close to a body of salt water. We traded mountains and sky for the salt water and, so far, it has worked just fine.

So, that's me in a nut shell. Since I have opinions about a lot of things, I'll be sharing them on a semi-regular basis. I'd like to know when you agree, disagree or think I'm putting you to sleep, and all feed-back is good feedback if it's constructive.

1 comment:

  1. Love that you're posting because I love the way you write. I'll be looking forward to your future blogs. :)
